Monday, February 25, 2013

kung fu sunday

yesterday i spent the day at my parents' house since we're expecting bad weather and i won't be able to make it on my usual visiting day. my mom and i spent the morning shopping for some new kitchen accessories as well as a birthday gift for a very special 1 year old. i picked up some last minute necessities in the event that i can't make it to the store and we bought stuff to make dinner. as our usual sunday tradition dictates, we don't cook a full meal, but rather make h'orderves and drinks.

for our afternoon entertainment we watched the man with the iron fists. since kung fu movies are one of my secret loves i really enjoyed watching it again.

i intended on shooting some new pictures last night, but found myself absorbed in my book. i plan on shooting some new stuff tonight and weather permitting, have it posted tomorrow.




  1. h'ordervies and drinks is a fine Sunday tradition and may start it at my house, thx.

    Have you seen Kung Fu Hustle (one of my favs.)?

    1. haha yeah, i've seen that one. it's pretty great
